Keep up-to-date on all of the events Billco is on display and where you have the opportunity to talk with your Solution Specialist in-person. Can’t make it? You can always reach us 24 | 7 | 365 at 724-452-7390.

Latest Past Events

GlassBuild America 2024

Billco Manufacturing is attending GlassBuild America 2024   Billco Manufacturing is pleased to announce that it will be exhibiting at the largest trade event for the glass, window, and door industry, GlassBuild America this fall.  Billco Manufacturing will be located at BOOTH #20027 at the annual event held this year at the Kay Bailey Hutchison

Glass Expo Northeast ’24

Long Island Marriot

Billco will be exhibiting at Glass Expo Northeast 2024.  This year's conference is held at the Long Island Marriott in Uniondale New York.  Visit Billco Solution Specialists at Booth #55 near the registration desk.  

Glass Expo Southeast™ ’24

Rosen Plaza Hotel Orlando

Billco team members will be meeting with industry leaders at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida on January 25 and 26 to discuss the latest innovations. Come visit us at Booth #804 to see what's new with Billco!